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Tag Archive for Fidelizer

Fidelizer reached 2,000th license milestone – Introducing Nikola Linear Power Supply with lots of offers


Finally, we reached 2000th milestone now. Big thanks to everyone who’s been supporting Fidelizer to make this dream come true. Since this is special occasion, I’ll also include $5 off for other Fidelizer software purchases too.

Fidelizer Plus: US $39.95 —> $34.95 (Until 5th March 2017)
Fidelizer Pro: US $69.95 —> $59.95 (Until 5th March 2017)
Other Fidelizer software purchases: $5 off discount (Until 5th March 2017)

This offer will last until Until 5th March 2017. Discount rate is the same as purchasing Fidelizer software again so new customer and returning customer will get the same price. You may order again anytime and receive partial-refund as discount later after this campaign is over.

I also sent refund to customers who purchased Fidelizer software today. Nimitra product development plan started after reaching 1,000th milestone last year. Now we reached 2,000th milestone, I’d like to introduce “Nikola”, an affordable highend linear power supply.


Nikola – Linear Power Supply


It’s a thoroughly tested product that will bring stunning performance. Nimitra customers who ordered before 28th February 2017 can order Nikola to use with Nimitra with $100 refund for shipping fee. This offer will be available until 31st March 2017.

For Fidelizer Pro customers who’s interested in Nimitra Computer Audio Server and Nikola Linear Power Supply, you can order with $200 refund discount for Nimitra purchase and $100 refund discount for Nikola purchase until 5th March 2017.

Nimitra receives 6moons’ Blue Moon Award on another day. That makes the first Blue Moon Award for server category so this should be a good opportunity for Fidelizer Pro customers to upgrade their systems with Nimitra that won 3 awards in only 3 months.

Keetakawee Punpeng (Windows X)

Fidelizer Nimitra in BAV2017 Show Report

I should have posted this in a day after the show is over but I’ve been so busy with projects and there’s also customer’s feedback to maintain too. Now I have time to share how Fidelizer Nimitra performed in the show.

BAV2017 Nimitra 1

This is the Audio Revolution’s room having Nimitra connected to dCS Rossini. It’s the most famous room in the show. I can always see this room packed with audiophiles whenever I pass by. It’s so beautiful for silver system and has very attractive sound signature.

BAV2017 Nimitra 2

This is the main room having Nimitra connected to Esoteric D1 Grandioso. It’s said to be one of the best digital sources in the world and sound quality is superb. I used Nimitra in this room for audio workshop demonstration also helped other instructors when it comes to playing digital files and streaming.

Having witnessed Nimitra demonstration in highend systems with ultra highend sources myself, I’m certain everyone can enjoy Nimitra without limits. 🙂

Fidelizer 7.6 released – Major updates for Windows 10 Annniversary Edition

After releasing 7.5 for a while, I received reports about Windows Store app has audio feature broken after using Fidelizer software. I looked into it and found new Windows 10 Anniversary has some changes that prevented audio feature from working with Fidelizer. We managed to fine workaround method and solved this issue.

As for free users, I also added compatibility with Steam/Origin games on higher user levels. This won’t be applied to Plus/Pro version since they’re mostly passionate audiophiles who don’t want to have any non-audio exceptions. Please let me know if you want Steam/Origin games support for Plus/Pro version.

I also fixed some I/O performance on higher user level related to security problems in some cases I found from music server project and improved compatibility with Tidal software.

Changelog for version 7.6

-Added workaround to apply core optimizations on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition properly
-Fixed optimizations breaking multimedia features in Windows Store apps
-Fixed performance issues with Steam and Origin games on higher user level
-Fixed system reliability problems on audio tasks after finding out they’re related to security processes
-Fixed temporary folder initialization bug on some cases
-Improved compatibility with TIDAL software

-Added workaround to apply core optimizations on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition properly
-Fixed optimizations breaking multimedia features in Windows Store apps
-Fixed system reliability problems on audio tasks after finding out they’re related to security processes
-Fixed temporary folder initialization bug on some cases
-Improved compatibility with TIDAL software

-Added workaround to apply core optimizations on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition properly
-Fixed optimizations breaking multimedia features in Windows Store apps
-Fixed program asking for music player application during uninstallation
-Fixed system reliability problems on audio tasks after finding out they’re related to security processes
-Fixed temporary folder initialization bug on some cases
-Improved compatibility with TIDAL software

Download: Fidelizer 7.6
Upgrade: Fidelizer Upgrade Program

Fidelizer Plus/Pro users should be received a mail about update and download link by now. If you somehow didn’t receive an update notification as I received some delivery failure message too, please contact me for an update with your customer data to verify.

Since we have over 1,900 licenses now so we can’t deliver all licenses in a single day with 1,000 sending limit per day. We made some changes to delivery platform to slowly send software update to customers. I also noticed some customers have yet to provide fidelizer.key data after asking a few times so please contact me back.

I’ll be an instructor doing computer audio workshop in Thailand BAV 2017 Show

Greetings. Today I’d like to inform the news about me attending Thailand BAV 2017 Show. I’ll attend the show as an instructor on the following topics below:

Streaming audio setup demonstration using free software with Fidelizer and foobar2000 + uPNP

Streaming audio setup demonstration using free software with Fidelizer and foobar2000 + uPNP

Reaching highend audio performance in computer audio with hardware/software optimizations

Reaching highend audio performance in computer audio with hardware/software optimizations

I’ll speak in Thai language in these events but you can watch how I setup hardware and software with listening tests too so it should work fine for foreigners as well. If you visit Thailand during 2-5 February 2017, we can meet up in Landmark Hotel and chill out together. 🙂

Fidelizer Upgrade Program – 1900th purchase offer

And now we reached 1900th milestone. As a reminder to inform customers that they receive refund for returning customer purchase, I’m running purchase offer again in this week.  I also sent partial refund back for customer who placed an order on 23th January 2017.

Fidelizer Plus: US $39.95 —> $34.95 (Expired)
Fidelizer Pro: US $69.95 —> $59.95 (Expired)

This offer will last until Until 29th January 2017. Discount rate is the same as purchasing Fidelizer software again so new customer and returning customer will get the same price. You may order again anytime and receive partial-refund as discount later after this campaign is over.

I hope this will be good chance for you to consider upgrading Fidelizer software. I’ll launch a new update soon after this campaign is over. 🙂

Keetakawee Punpeng (Windows X)