Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Feedback from Fidelizer customers

Added testimonial from Daniel Lafarga

Here’s another feedback today from Fidelizer Plus user. He sent me his feedback for a long while and I only noticed his recently.

Hi Again Dear Keetakawee, I need to say is an honor to say is Amazing Huge Lovely terrific improve when use Fidelizer Plus and really my jaw take the floor, really need to ask you if the pro improve over Plus.

Thanks for your help to down load my software, really thanks a lot.

By the time I post his Fidelizer Plus feedback, he already upgraded to Pro version with great results. 🙂

Added X5iii Enhanced ROM feedback from Yasuaki

Here’s another feedback today from Fiio X5iii customer. He sent me his feedback after troubleshooting ROM support with his Android application project.


Enhanced ROM is impressed with the wonderful sound. X5 3rd has been reborn as DAP with over $1000. I’m really glad to purchase it. I really appreciate your contribution.

Best Regards,

So glad to hear $50 Enhanced ROM can make Fiio X5iii reborn as DAP with over $1,000 for customer. 🙂

Added Nimitra feedback from Vaughan

Here’s a new feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra customer in United Kingdom. I received his feedback after assisting him with Nimitra setup with Roon.

Hi Keetakawee

The Nimitra is sounding very good indeed. With the usb drive plugged into the USB 2.0 input, the sound is much more cohesive and musical. It also works well with Roon – very smooth interface.


I’m glad to hear more good things about Nimitra from customers in UK. Elite Audio is also our distributor too. 🙂

Added Nikola linear power supply feedback from Hein

Here’s another feedback today for Nikola linear power supply. He’s a customer who bought Nikola from Elite Audio distributor.

I’m very happy with the Nikola Power Supply Unit which I bought at Elite Audio in Europe… It is truely amazing what it does while ‘only’ delivering 12 Volt… To be honest: as a scientist I never believed very much in power supplies but apparently there is a lot of noise and other stuff that influences the signal from the DAC. So the Elite guys persuaded me to do a trial for 30 days.
It was a very good decision! The sound is more clear and you hear much more details, even for my older ears. There is much more refinement and so many things I never heard. Even on albums which I have heard intensively more than a hundred times!!

During the first impression I was a bit confused since the details were there as I described above but on the other hand: it was as if the music was a bit restricted. But this appears to be the effect of the burn-in of the PSU! After one day it was already gone and after two days the stage was better than I ever heard. I emailed Keetakawee and he answered that the burn-in takes up to 200 hours. So I had still some improvement ahead!! What I heard in the days that followed is that nearly every day the sound stage and the body of the music become broader and deeper. Of course this ends in a few weeks but the effect is phenomenal!
I’m thrilled by the clarity, the position of instruments and voices, the richness of the sound and the fine musical detail that I can now hear in my recordings: truly recommended!! Give it a trial..

Nikola linear power supply is the best engineering design tested with Esoteric/dCS/Emm Labs as reference sources.

Added DX200 Advanced ROM feedback from Mavwong

Here’s a new feedback today from iBasso DX200 customer. He uses DX200’s as digital transport to his car sound system with great results.

Hi Keetakawee,
Just install it yesterday. Good job! it’s much much better with your optimized rom on top of already great sounding DX200. I find that the mango app sound more clean and focus compare to appolo app which sounded more meaty but focus is not as good as mango app.

I mainly use in car using the optical output and my car sound system never sounded this good before, ever.

it’s sure worth USD99 even though if could be cheaper as many consumer not as easy as me. I also bought your pc fiderlizer pro previously as well.


Here’s the first feedback from a customer who uses DAP for pure digital transport with Fidelizer Advanced ROM. 🙂