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Added iBasso DX160 Advanced ROM feedback from E.T.

Fidelizer - PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations 2.0


Here’s another feedback today from customer who upgraded iBasso DX160 with the latest Advanced ROM. He shared his feedback after fixing ROM glitches from MangoOS port.

Hi Keetakawee,

I have been doing a lot of intensive listening over the last few days and clearly your DX220 port on 1.04.150 is a masterpiece! I am in complete awe as I neverendingly marvel at the overall experience – the insane layering of both depth and width, the reverb effects, timbre and position accuracy of each and every performer on the stage, especially with live music – it’s bloody surreal! I cannot get enough and have been listening to album after album, one genre to the other – God knows how many times have I depleted and recharged the battery over the last five days 🙂 I could be forgiven for thinking this is one of those top-tier flagship DAPs! And I still haven’t gotten anywhere near enough – even as I am typing this email to you, heavenly sounding music is flowing through my ears! A huge THANKS again for this buddy – you certainly outdone yourself!

Best regards,

The latest version of Purist ROM for iBasso DX160  is working fine on both 2020 version and first version now so feel free to try Purist ROM for further improvements. 🙂