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Tag Archive for Update Notification

Improved Fidelizer Update Notification System Announcement

Greetings everyone,

I’ve sent updated build of Fidelizer version 6.9 with new delivery platform to all customers now. As you can see, there’s the follow changes of new system as below:

1. Update notification message will be sent from backend application so some of customers may get duplicated messages during trials and errors before the announcement.
2. Everyone will receive the private repository for Fidelizer updates. This should resolve privacy issues in previous platform that other customers can see your name in the shared repository.
3. Package of the software now has version specified. You’ll receive future updates without losing previous version. Since storage is limited so I may preserve versioning up to specific revisions.

There’s a lot of hard work to get this done in 48hrs rebuilding database from Excel template and copy/paste dynamic hyperlink one by one. Let me know if you didn’t receive your private repository message or get a wrong ones so I can correct and resend it.

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