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Tag Archive for StreamHub

Added StreamHub feedback from Magnus


StreamHub - Streaming Router


Here’s another feedback today. He shared his feedback about StreamHub after using with audio and video streaming as below.

It’s a worthwhile addition to lower noise and jitter. In my system. Clarity and soundstage in 3D is improved. AND streamed video is also improved which makes sense. Thank you for a great product.


I’m happy to hear that StreamHub can effectively reduce noise and jitter with improvement on both audio and video. Happy listening. 🙂

Added Nimitra Classic + Nikola Classic + StreamHub feedback from Evan Scheele


Nimitra - Esoteric K1X


Here’s another feedback today from a customer ordering Nimitra Classic + Nikola Classic + StreamHub streaming 16x sample rate through WiFi.

Thanks again for going above and beyond; my super high sample rates were a big challenge for you to overcome, and I appreciate all your efforts!

This has been the best customer support I’ve ever had in 40 years in the hobby, Keetakawee.

Best wishes and thanks again!

It was quite a challenge to optimize best possible sound quality with 16x sample rate through WiFi streaming and happy listening. 🙂

Added StreamHub feedback from Kevin Dez

And here’s another feedback today. He shared his feedback about StreamHub with new JPLAY app configuration in Nimitra server as below.

System is sounding fantastic with the StreamHub! Overall it just sounds more natural and eliminated some digital glare that I didn’t really notice was there before.

I’m happy to hear that StreamHub works very well as audiophile network switch and wireless router with Nimitra and happy listening. 🙂

Added StreamHub feedback from Antonio Ruggeri

And here’s a new feedback today. He purchased StreamHub out of curiosity and shared his feedback as below.

Hi my friend! StreamHub was delivered and sounds amazing!

I’m happy to hear that StreamHub streaming router can deliver amazing improvement in his system and happy listening. 🙂