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Tag Archive for storage

Forget storage comparison. Even the same storage can sound different with different file copying methods

I know this sounds a bit hard to believe but it’s true since it was done without pretense to get better sound. Well, some people who use Rewrite Data maybe familiar with this concept already.

We did some ripping experiments and my friend who owned AK380 tested the song from micro sd to compare between players.

On later days, he told me copying music from AK’s file manager system in device sounds worse than copying from his ripping machine. He made a dedicated ripping machine with linear PSU and even built a new aluminum chassis to improve it.


Ripping machine's Aluminum chassis


So, we did another test. I tried copying music from laptop using default file copy from Windows 10 and ones from another file copier software call Copy Handler with different buffer size.

Guess what? It all sounded different. I was stunned. I’m aware that different micro sd cards can affect and different machines used to copy songs can sound different. But THIS! The same machine, same device, with only different changes of buffer size also affected it. That’s nuts!

OK. Let’s take this to next level. I use my desktop to copy 4 files named A, B, X, and Y to micro SD card, plug it into user’s portable DAPs and let them listen. They all can notice the changes effortlessly and all said the same thing. B and Y sounds very different. Here’s why.

A: Default USB connection using Windows 10 file copy
B: JCAT USB Card connection (with built-in PSU and filter) using Windows 10 file copy
X: JCAT USB Card connection (with built-in PSU and filter) using Ultracopier file copy
Y: JCAT USB Card connection (with built-in PSU and filter) using Ultracopier file copy with sequential write and 4kb buffer

And this is blind test without telling them how each file was copied before. I also did some research and found app similar to Rewrite Data written over 3 years ago here.

He gave an interesting explanation about music files storage improvement on both magnetic and flash memory in SSD too.

I have yet to find anyone not noticing the different. Is it placebo effect? You can try this experiment yourself and test it with your friends. Happy listening. 🙂
