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Tag Archive for Nimitra

Added NimitraS+NikolaS feedback from J.B.


Fidelizer's Next Year Server - 1


Here’s a new feedback today from a customer who ordered custom highend version of NimitraS server with NikolaS linear power supply in a single box design.

I take this opportunity to congratulate you, after several months of listening pleasure, for the very high sonic quality I achieve with my server. This is really excellent, on par with, or even better than servers on the market regarded as the best ones (Aurender, Melco etc.)

Kind regards

I’m happy to hear that custom version of Nimitra server is considered on par or even better than some best servers in market. This keeps me working hard to bring better standards to computer audio. 🙂

Added NimitraS+Nikola feedback from nay9275

Here’s a new feedback today from NimitraS server with Nikola linear power supply customer. He shared his feedback with me after setting up NimitraS with his Chord Dave.


That is a great job just what I was asking for top support. Oh and by the way this streamer puts my Auralic Aries streamer to shame great sound.

This is also the first server that I setup with USB storage using Linux partition. I’m glad to find out it can fine with Nimitra platform. 🙂

JPLAY 7 Femto upgrade on Nimitra/NimitraS situation

After JPLAY 7 Femto was released, I tested the software and found issues with my test equipment so I held out the upgrade and recommend my clients to wait until I can confirm JPLAY 7 is stable enough. Nimitra is a turnkey solution and I need to make sure it will work fine before upgrading.

I continue to test JPLAY from time to time and now it has version 7D with USB Audio Class 1 issue workaround added as I request. I still stumple upon playback instability and after trying to work out with JPLAY staff, I think it’s ready to inform clients now.


JPLAY 7 Femto is now stable for most cases except some issues that happened with me as below.

1. USB Audio Class 1 DAC will work with Classic engine only
2. JPLAY Femto service can’t be played from JRiver Media Center library
3. JPLAY Femto library server will crash in mConnect Android app during browsing


If these issues won’t become an obstacle with your system, you can upgrade to JPLAY 7 Femto on Nimitra/NimitraS with JPLAY 7 Femto now. Setting up free trial version to test with Nimitra before upgrading is highly recommended. However, JPLAY 7 upgrade is for 64-bit version only!

For customers with 32-bit version, you can send unit back to me for 64-bit reinstallation. That’ll cost $100 USD. If you have Nimitra, you may consider upgrading to NimitraS at $500 USD with free 64-bit reinstallation version.


You can purchase JPLAY 7 Femto upgrade from JPLAY directly at 79 Euros. If you prefer to upgrade through Fidelizer, it’ll be $99 USD with PayPal conversion fee and some exchange rate buffer applied.

New JPLAY purchase in Nimitra/NimitraS will be a Classic version and can be upgraded to Femto as an optional upgrade. Please let me know if you have any question about Nimitra and JPLAY products and I’ll assist you with best of my abilities. Happy listening. 🙂


32-bit VS 64-bit audio playback – Can you spot the difference?

After JPLAY Femto released with 64-bit only, some Nimitra clients asked me about reinstalling 64-bit version of Nimitra since it was shipped with 32-bit before so I decided to make a clip for clients to compare and see if they can hear the difference.

These two tracks are recorded from the same physical hardware with dual boot to 32-bit and 64-bit OS version with Audacity software using WASAPI and Razor Siren X through JCAT USB Card Femto + NikolaS. I also use 64-bit application for audio playback in 64-bit OS too.

Should I get NimitraS or Nimitra + Nikola first?




I received similar questions from a few clients recently since NimitraS is $1895 and you can buy Nimitra + Nikola at about the same price too. After answering their questions, I believe it’s worth sharing my insights about this upgrade path.

Upgrading server with good linear power supply will really help your server shine a lot. I tested Nikola linear power supply with my own server, Roon Nucleus/Intel NUC, Mytek/exaSound/Yulong DAC and its worth upgrading for high quality power supply.

The question is actually more like whether you should spend $500 more on NimitraS upgrade or Nikola linear power supply first. If you choose NimitraS, you get SLC SSD and premium RAM upgraded with modification modification including high quality clock on USB audio.

If you choose Nimitra + Nikola, you get high quality linear power supply tuned with highend Esoteric transport as a reference for very low coloration sound and high neutrality. Both choices are good on its own with different ups and downs.

But if you have more budget in future, both choices will affect your upgrade path a lot. If you choose NimitraS first, you can just order NikolaS and you can enjoy the improvements with power supply upgrade immediately.

If you choose Nimitra + Nikola first, you will need to ship both products back to me first to apply Signature upgrade and wait until I finish and ship the upgraded products back. While I offer free shipping for upgrade combo, the waiting time without Nimitra is less desirable.

So I recommend to choose NimitraS over Nimitra + Nikola for your first purchase. Once you have more budget to further your upgrade path, you may consider adding NikolaS later. This way you don’t have to send your Nimitra + Nikola back for continuous music enjoyment. 🙂