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Tag Archive for Nimitra

Added Nimitra feedback from Maurizio Lombardi

Here’s a new feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra customer. He ordered Nimitra from AVTEK, our distributor in Italy.

As NAA with HQPlayer and a second pc, the Nimitra sounds really exceptional. Congratulations.

The first feedback from customer using Nimitra as HQPlayer’s NAA device with really exceptional sound. 🙂

Nimitra review on TNT-Audio by Richard Varey

Another review of Nimitra arrived since few days ago. I was busy with lots of stuff after BAV 2017 event and finally have time to wrire about it today. This time it’s from TNT-Audio written by Richard Varey, our Fidelizer Pro user and also a reviewer. 🙂

This is probably the first review of Nimitra coming from non-highend system. You can learn Nimitra’s performance comparing to Fidelized PC and Rasberry Pi streamer platform in  [Review] Nimitra Computer Audio Server article.

In my exploration of digital music playback, which so far has included a PC optimized with Fidelizer, a Raspberry Pi streamer with onboard DAC, and several open source software operating system options as alternatives to Microsoft Windows, this is the best sounding setup, as I expected it would be. The sound quality is crisp, very dynamic, very detailed, and the sound is natural, big and open. Especially impressive is the separation of instruments and voices and the believability of the soundstage image.

Actually, he received the first demo unit for reviewing and review itself is finished few months ago. It took a while until his review going live.

Nimitra Computer Audio Server receives Mono and Stereo’s Highly Recommended Product Award

Today I have another great review about Nimitra Computer Audio Server to share with everyone. This is the third review for Nimitra and we received two awards consecutively. It’s a very positive review with mentions about products costing ten times more. 🙂

I’d love to share this moment as soon as I could but I was so busy with works as an instructor in AV Show, meeting up with Roon founder, and assisting Mr. Stirling Trayle with his works so it took me two days to have time to publish this great news.

There’s so many good things he wrote about Nimitra in his review. I’ll take bits from completed Fidelizer Nimitra Audio Server review and I recommend you to read the whole article as Mr. Matej Isak wrote with great enthusiastism.

With the new Obsidian album by Mika Sasaki, a 24bit/88kHz download from, no extreme attention was needed to experience palpable difference between Nimitra and a typical computer based setup. The expansion of soundstage, transparency, and more detailed focus were repeatedly of no small portion. Nimitra managed to preserve balanced sound across a complete spectrum and a tonal balance much closer to reality. It just felt more complete and believable with Nimitra in action.

In my surprise, Mr. Matej Isak is a close friend to Mr. Enno Vandermeer, Roon and Sooloos founder whom I was going to meet right after publishing review on that day. You should see more updates about Roon 1.3 from Mono and Stereo soon as he’s testing Roon 1.3 with Nimitra right now. 🙂

I’ll be an instructor doing computer audio workshop in Thailand BAV 2017 Show

Greetings. Today I’d like to inform the news about me attending Thailand BAV 2017 Show. I’ll attend the show as an instructor on the following topics below:

Streaming audio setup demonstration using free software with Fidelizer and foobar2000 + uPNP

Streaming audio setup demonstration using free software with Fidelizer and foobar2000 + uPNP

Reaching highend audio performance in computer audio with hardware/software optimizations

Reaching highend audio performance in computer audio with hardware/software optimizations

I’ll speak in Thai language in these events but you can watch how I setup hardware and software with listening tests too so it should work fine for foreigners as well. If you visit Thailand during 2-5 February 2017, we can meet up in Landmark Hotel and chill out together. 🙂

Added Nimitra feedback from Song Soon Onn

Here’s a new feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra customer. He also shared his feedback in Facebook post below.

Sold my Aurender W20 & guess what , I bought Fidelizer Nimatra based on fidelized window 10 platform , which can serve as Streamer , Server & Network player Roon ready & as HQP NAA device . After doing much research ( read audiostream review about Nimitra & 6moons abt Fidelizer software ) I decided to buy Fidelizer Nimitra at promo price @ USD 1195 ie more than 10x cheaper than W20 .

Being computer illiterate , I had great difficult setting it up & thru TeamViewer & working for 6/7 hours over 2 days , finally I managed to get it working & it certainly sound better than what I paid for . Let’s see how it perform with better LPSU , cabling & SSD

It’s rare to get such dedicated service for such cheap product & I certainly appreciate the effort by Keetakawee Punpeng
I understd a unit was send to Matej of Mono & stereo for review

Selling 10 times more expensive product for Nimitra, that’s quite daring decision. 🙂