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Tag Archive for Nikola2

Added Nikola2 feedback from Charles Wasson


Nikola Signature - linear power supply


Here’s a new feedback today from a client who ordered Nikola2 to power Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport. He heard good things about Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport + Nikola2 from his friend and decide to order one for his CD transport also.

Hi Keetakawee,
I just want to thank you in regard to the Nickola 2 LPS and its pairing with the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport. Simply put, an outstanding combo.

Improvement is noted across all sonic parameters. Most notably, tone/timbre/3 -dimensional space/and just a more natural sound quality and fluidity of musical flow and presentation. Bottom line is heightened emotional realism. This is an excellent linear power supply.


I’m happy to hear that Nikola2 is working great with Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport as an outstanding combo and happy listening. 🙂

Introducing Nimitra2 / Nikola2 as second generation of computer audio server and linear power supply




Today is the big day for Fidelizer. After years of preparations and refining products for second generation, Nimitra2 and Nikola2 are finally ready for production which are projects I’ve been working for 2 years already.

There’s so much going on behind the scene since last year. As I also have clients ordering custom $5-7k server project since the first Nimitra. I always thought it’d be great if we can build  a product having performance that resembles custom highend server for half price.

With Classic series, it helped me realizing my dream to make highend audio performance affordable at $995. There’s also very good cost effective Nikola Classic at $395. This will keep Nimitra affordable and I can focus on taking second generation to next level.

I planned to launch them last year but could not make it to production stage due to covid situation which affect many companies worldwide causing long delay. I’ve been selling Nikola Signature with Nikola2 circuit board for over a year now, waiting for Nimitra2’s completion.

Now that I can finalize Nimitra2 design and production line, it’s time to embark a new journey. Nimitra2 will pair up nicely with modern DACs in market with custom made chassis, optimized as a streamer to deliver performance based on CD transport with Esoteric’s drive.


Nimitra2’s Features (As upgrade from Signature):

-Custom aluminum chassis design for better resonance/vibration control and heat dissipation
-Motherboard and chassis has vibration absorber/isolator material reducing vibration to motherboard
-MOSFET in motherboard’s power supply circuit is upgraded with high quality one from Japan
-All clock modules in motherboard are now upgraded improving sound quality on USB/Ethernet/HDMI
-Capacitors in motherboard are tuned with better resolution and details extraction

With all new improvements focusing on improving purity of signal and reduce interference, I can hear music flowing with richer ambient and micro detail and feel closer to music with newfound improvements on Nimitra2.

MSRP price of Nimitra2 is $2495 USD. For original Nimitra and Nimitra Signature owner, you can send your original unit to upgrade to Nimitra2 at $1,100 for Nimitra and $600 for Nimitra Signature. This upgrade should be a great value for existing customers to enjoy music better.


Nikola2’s Features (As upgrade from Signature):

-Input capacitor is changed to dual capacitor circuit design improving power handling
-Diode is upgraded with higher output current to handle devices like Roon Nucleus+ better
-Capacitors are tuned for better transparency and micro detail without sacrificing musicality

With new changes and improvements on Nikola2, it helps music flowing with Nimitra more coherently with timbre and PRaT done right to make music both enjoyable and believable. This can apply to any device Nikola2 powers also.

MSRP of Nikola2 is $749 USD. Nikola2 has a new circuit design so upgrading with top up price is not possible. Also, most changes are about handling some cases better so Nikola Signature will deliver similar performance with some sound signature changes.


Fidelizer will provide free shipping during introductory period for all Nimitra / Nikola purchases in December 2021. I hope this will be a fine Christmas present to audiophiles worldwide and happy listening. 🙂