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Measuring digital audio qualities of bit-perfect playback with Diffmaker’s correlation depth

It’s been a challenge to measure digital audio’s qualities and most of the time audiophiles don’t know any measurement outside RMAA’s analog metrics and got failed evaluations as you can see below:


Fidelizer - RMAA Measurements


This was done through pure software environment using VB-Audio Virtual Cable to make sure no hardware’s error is involved. After lengthy research in pro audio’s communities, I found DiffMaker being used in this thread below.


Evaluating AD/DA loops by means of Audio Diffmaker – Gearslutz Pro Audio Community


DiffMaker was used to test for audible effects of

  • Changing interconnect cables (compensation for cable capacitance may be required)
  • Different types of basic components (resistors, capacitors, inductors)
  • Special power cords
  • Changing loudspeaker cables (cable inductance may need to be matched or compensated)
  • Treatments to audio CDs (pens, demagnetizers, lathes, dampers, coatings…)
  • Vibration control devices
  • EMI control devices
  • Paints and lacquers used on cables, etc.
  • Premium audio connectors
  • Devices said to modify electrons or their travel, such as certain treated “clocks”
  • Different kinds of operational amplifiers, transistors, or vacuum tubes
  • Different kinds of CD players
  • Changing between power amplifiers
  • General audio “tweaks” said to affect audio signals (rather than to affect the listener directly)
  • Anything else where the ability to change an audio signal is questioned

There’s interesting metric called ‘Correlated Null Depth’ that can detect most subtle changes as measurable data. Archimago refers to this metric as below if you’re following his measurement tests.


The higher this value, the more correlated the 2 samples are (ie. the “closer” they sound).


Now I hope you understand better about DiffMaker and correlation depth. Let’s proceed to the methodology part. After a few runs of Diffmaker’s tests for a few weeks, this was the method I used in final version.

1. Setup master file and audio playback/recording through digital domain. In this case, I’ll use VB-Audio Virtual Cable, foobar2000, and Audacity on Windows 10.
2. Prepare aligned master files with silence added. For basic demonstration, I’ll make 5 samples of aligned/before/after wav files with Audacity at 24/96 format (10ms latency).
3. Route bit-perfect recording from Virtual Cable’s master audio stream with Foobar2000’s WASAPI output to Audacity’s WASAPI input, export audio as before.wav
4. Use free version of Fidelizer at Purist user level with updated foobar2000 configuration from Fidelizer’s User Guide, record again, export audio as after.wav
5. Compare results using Audio DiffMaker with master file as reference.

Testing machine ran on AMD FX8350 with 8 cores 4.2GHz and 8MB cache for L2/L3. I also used high quality motherboard with 16GB RAM and Platinum grade PSU. Here’s the result from my experiment.


Perfected master

parameters: 0sec, 0.000dB (L),  0.000dB (R)..Corr Depth: 300.0 dB (L), 300.0 dB (R)

This is ideal result of exact comparison with 300.0 dB of correlation depth


Aligned master

parameters: -3.5sec, 0.000dB (L), 0.000dB (R)..Corr Depth: 175.6 dB (L), 174.0 dB (R)
parameters: -4.5sec, 0.000dB (L), 0.000dB (R)..Corr Depth: 168.5 dB (L), 168.6 dB (R)
parameters: -5.5sec, 0.000dB (L), 0.000dB (R)..Corr Depth: 167.4 dB (L), 167.5 dB (R)
parameters: -6.5sec, 0.000dB (L), 0.000dB (R)..Corr Depth: 166.3 dB (L), 167.0 dB (R)
parameters: -7.5sec, 0.000dB (L), 0.000dB (R)..Corr Depth: 172.5 dB (L), 176.1 dB (R)

Average: 0.000dB (0.000-0.000)..Corr Depth: 170.35 dB (166.3-176.1)
Median: 0.000dB..Corr Depth: 168.55 dB

Dropped to nearly 50% of perfect data but still above 150 dB. With 9.8 dB swing range, it’s safe to assume about 5% threshold for evaluation.


Before Fidelizer

parameters: -1.581sec, 0.001dB (L), 0.001dB (R)..Corr Depth: 90.6 dB (L), 91.5 dB (R)
parameters: -1.184sec, 0.001dB (L), 0.001dB (R)..Corr Depth: 87.2 dB (L), 87.3 dB (R)
parameters: -1.018sec, 0.001dB (L), 0.001dB (R)..Corr Depth: 88.1 dB (L), 88.1 dB (R)
parameters: -946.4msec, 0.001dB (L), 0.001dB (R)..Corr Depth: 88.3 dB (L), 86.3 dB (R)
parameters: -686.3msec, 0.001dB (L), 0.001dB (R)..Corr Depth: 90.2 dB (L), 87.6 dB (R)

Average: 0.001dB (0.001-0.001)..Corr Depth: 88.52 dB (86.3-91.5)
Median: 0.001dB..Corr Depth: 88.1 dB

Real world result arrived with quite narrowed range. It’s only  5.2 dB between min/max of correlation depth. At least it’s more reliable than aligned result.


After Fidelizer

parameters: -563.4msec, 0.001dB (L), 0.001dB (R)..Corr Depth: 104.0 dB (L), 95.9 dB (R)
parameters: -1.025sec, 0.001dB (L), 0.001dB (R)..Corr Depth: 93.5 dB (L), 94.0 dB (R)
parameters: -1.286sec, 0.001dB (L), 0.001dB (R)..Corr Depth: 87.2 dB (L), 87.3 dB (R)
parameters: -1.025sec, 0.001dB (L), 0.001dB (R)..Corr Depth: 88.1 dB (L), 88.2 dB (R)
parameters: -856.4msec, 0.001dB (L), 0.001dB (R)..Corr Depth: 90.4 dB (L), 87.6 dB (R)

Average: 0.001dB (0.001-0.001)..Corr Depth: 91.62 dB (87.2-104.0)
Median: 0.001dB..Corr Depth: 89.3 dB

It started great with over 100 dB but the rest seems to wear down over time a bit because I also opened Chrome to chat in Facebook while during the experiment for daily usage tests. Strict tests for high quality result may lead to faking data abuse from people who can’t do a proper job.

With Fidelizer’s optimizations, we detected 3.1 dB increment of average and 12.5 db increment of maximum correlation depth with general improvements on other metrics too. I shall conclude that there’s measurable improvement with bit-perfect playback in digital audio.

You can also try running performing this test on your own and adjust DiffMaker configuration to show different kinds of data without rounding error or with other standards. Have fun measuring audio software optimizations with DiffMaker!


Fidelizer’s false positive report case with Avast

Few days ago I received false positive cases from Avast users. I’d like to inform everyone that Fidelizer is safe and secured audio software. It has features to control process’ priority and affity with services management features so some antivirus may detect such behavior being unsafe. However, there’s nothing to be afraid about the procedures as you can safely reverse it and Fidelizer hasn’t harmed anyone’s PC so far in last year.


I filed false positive reports to Avast and today they fixed the case with Fidelizer products now. Happy listening. 🙂


Nimitra Computer Audio Server launched with footage from BAV 2016 AV show

After a lot of trials and errors to get Nimitra working at pristine condition, now I’ve finally finished the event in Thailand’s BAV 2016 AV show without trouble. Nimitra can plug and play with devices in the show right away without configuration required and it works great with Linn Kazoo/Kinsky software on your phone.

The result was very satisfying for people who attended the show. I saw a few people in communities are dreaming for B&W speakers after listening to music with Nimitra as the transport feeding Classe CP-800 and its amps. And founder of Whatmough was very pleased with Nimitra so she carried my demo unit back to Australia for the demonstration in upcoming show.

After BAV 2016 AV show event, now I’m confident that Nimitra is ready for worldwide market with the final price at US $1395, not cheap but affordable at great price considering you have Windows 10 Pro and JPLAY/Asset uPNP packed with special Fidelizer software solutions. I doubt any company would invest this much on software at this price.

Nimitra will work great with USB audio devices and network players with performance that can compete against many highend devices beyond its price in current market. You can also return Nimitra if it doesn’t work well with you with 30-day money back guarantee too so no risk involved. You can read more about Nimitra product and place an order below.


Nimitra Computer Audio Server | Fidelizer


I’m looking forward to serve Nimitra to you with utmost excitement I’d like to share with audiophiles who love to hear the real sound from future platform today. I’m sure Nimitra’s performance will make you smile just like how Fidelizer did with greater heights. 🙂

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Fidelizer 7.3 released – Improved compatibility with Hysolid and hyper-threading

I’ve heard about Hysolid news for a while but I was too busy to test it until recently. After testing Hysolid software, I realized it runs as music server platform without frontend so it’ll run on startup. As a result, Fidelizer will treat Hysolid processes as non-audio affecting audio performance. Now I’ve improved compatibility with Hysolid software.

I also improved hyper-threading mechanisms to detect actual FPU cores instead of physical processors. In some architecture like AMD FX that I’m using, it works like hyper-threading with two processor cores sharing the same FPU unit. This should improve audio and system performance better for Fidelizer Plus/Pro.

Changelog for version 7.3

-Improved compatibility with Hysolid software

-Improved compatibility with Hysolid software
-Improved Hyper-Threading mechanism to check real FPU for better performance

-Improved compatibility with Hysolid software
-Improved Hyper-Threading mechanism to check real FPU for better performance

Download: Fidelizer 7.3
Upgrade: Fidelizer Upgrade Program

Fidelizer Plus/Pro users should be received a mail about update and download link by now. If you somehow didn’t receive an update notification as I received some delivery failure message too, please contact me for an update with your customer data to verify.

There’s some news about changes in repository platform. I received news about MediaFire Desktop being shutdown soon so I can’t maintain updating software like before. So I’ve merged repository with main website now. Due to certain limitations, I can’t host past versions so please forgive me if you’re troubled with this change.