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Tag Archive for Fidelizer

Beware of fake Fidelizer product deals scam


Nikola - Main


Today I received a message about this unusal deal with Fidelizer Nikola Linear Power Supply.

Fidelizer Nikola Linear Power Supply [253107736099] – $43.99 :

It was funny that the the original price they offered is cheaper than the production cost of Nikola itself and discounted price is far cheaper. I don’t think there’d be any gullible audiophile who’d fall for cheap deals but I’ll make sure to clear the misunderstanding here.

Fidelizer only sells products through Fidelizer website and authorized distributors from our website. You can always check on Distributors section of our product pages to find the closest distributors to your region. Happy listening. 🙂

Fiio X5iii Purist ROM version 1.1.9 released!


Fidelizer Mod


For new users, please read about PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations first for new improvements with Fidelizer ROMs.


I received notification about Fiio X5iii 1.1.9 ROM update on the day it was released and I started working on it immediately. It took me few days to launch this update because of new feature Balanced Turbo for High Gain that requires further tests with hardware modded device.

After testing Purist ROMs for version 1.1.9, all ROMs passed the test including units with Fidelizer Mod applied. Balanced Turbo feature works wonderfully with new opamps set I implemented and I highly recommend to use with high gain headphones.

-Based on firmware version 1.1.9
-Apollo – Fidelity Edition from included
-build.prop tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (Poweramp works now)

Download: Fiio X5iii Purist ROM


Installation Guide

1. Download Factory Tool provided by Devin
2. Turn off Fiio X5iii
3. Connect X5iii with USB connection to computer while holding previous track button
4. Install RK USB driver included in Firmware Upgrade Tool and replace update.img image with mine.
5. Open X5III Firmware Upgrade Tool.exe and flash ROM according to instructions provided in Instructions of How to Use the X5 3rd gen Firwmare Upgrade Tool.pdf


There’s a lot of improvements for Advanced ROM and I also added Enhanced ROM into collection too. Please read Portable Products for more details including Fiio X5iii Fidelizer Mod project with 3 modification levels. Happy listening. 🙂

iBasso DX200 Purist ROM version 2.7.188 released!

DX200 - Purist ROM


I’m sorry that it took a long while to update DX200 2.7.188 Purist ROM. Since there’s so many changes jumping from 2.5 to 2.7 version, I waited until I get DX200 unit to test with and I’m happy that I made the right decision.

Aside from releasing Fiio X7/X7ii while waiting for actual DX200 unit, I found out kernel file has different structure and method I used to before didn’t work. It took me a while to get working kernel with my modification for Enhanced / Advanced ROM.

-Based on firmware version 2.7.188
-Play Store added
-Apollo – Fidelity Edition from included
-Revamped MangoPlayer UI with improved user experience
-build.prop tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-Audio engine optimized for only audio playback (EQ/Gaplass features work)
-Bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (Poweramp works now)

Download: iBasso DX200 Purist ROM


Installation Guide

1. Download Factory Tool provided by Paul
2. Turn off DX200
3. Connect DX200 with USB connection to computer while holding play button switch
4. Install Rockchip USB driver included in FactoryTool
5. Open FactoryTool.exe and flash ROM according to instructions provided in DX200 batch tool instruction.doc


There’s a lot of improvements for Advanced ROM and I also added Enhanced ROM into collection too. Please read Portable Products for more details including iBasso DX200 Fidelizer Mod project with 3 modification levels.

Fiio X7 Purist ROM version 3.3.3 released!

Portable Products


As I released Fiio X7ii Purist ROM on another day, I also found Fiio X7 also have ROM update too so today I’m publishing Fiio X7 ROM update. I’ll update DX200 2.7.188 ROM after I can buy DX200 unit again. It was sold out last time I went to the shop.

-Based on official Fiio X7 3.3.3 ROM
-Apollo – Fidelity Edition from included
-build.prop tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (Poweramp works now)

Download: Fiio X7 Purist ROM


Installation Guide

1. Download X7 Firmware Upgrade Tool from Fiio website
2. Turn off Fiio X7
3. Connect X7 with USB connection to computer while holding previous track button
4. Install RK USB driver included in Firmware Upgrade Tool and replace update.img image with Fidelizer Purist ROM version.
5. Open X7 Firmware Upgrade Tool.exe and flash ROM according to instructions provided in “Instructions of How to Use the X7 Firwmare Upgrade Tool.pdf”


There’s a lot of improvements for Enhanced / Advanced ROM with PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations. Please also check Portable Products for more details about ROM upgrades and hardware modification.

Fiio X7ii Purist ROM version 1.0.3 released!

Portable Products


Yesterday I received a message asking why I haven’t updated Fiio X7ii ROM to version 1.0.3 yet. I was occupied with many projects and didn’t notice Fiio X7ii ROM until yesterday. Since this ROM came out before DX200 2.7.188, I decided to publish Fiio X7ii ROM today with the following updates.

-Based on official Fiio X7ii 1.0.3 ROM
-Apollo – Fidelity Edition from included
-build.prop tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (Poweramp works now)

Download: Fiio X7ii Purist ROM


Installation Guide

1. Download Factory Tool provided by Devin
2. Turn off Fiio X7ii
3. Connect X7ii with USB connection to computer while holding previous track button
4. Install RK USB driver included in Firmware Upgrade Tool and replace update.img image with mine.
5. Open X7II(Chinese text).exe and press the green button in middle right flash the ROM


There’s a lot of improvements for Enhanced / Advanced ROM with PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations. Please also check Portable Products for more details about ROM upgrades and hardware modification.