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Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.

Tag Archive for Fidelizer

Added testimonial from Karsten Natter

Here’s a new feedback today. He shared his feedback in Facebook messenger after receiving Fidelizer Pro yesterday.

Fidelizer Pro puts a smile on my face every day. It’s a welcome performance boost for the Audirvana software player. The gain in transparency and atmospheric density is outstanding.

I’m happy to hear that Fidelizer Pro can put smile on his face every day with Audirvana software and happy listening. 🙂

Fidelizer Upgrade Program – 5,400th purchase offer


Fidelizer Pro


Today we’ve reached 5,400th milestone now in this month. As a reminder to inform customers that they receive refund for returning customer purchase, I’m running purchase offer again in this week. I also sent partial refund back for customer who placed an order on 22nd May 2023.


Fidelizer Plus: US $39.95 —> $34.95 (Until 28th May 2023)
Fidelizer Pro: US $69.95 —> $59.95 (Until 28th May 2023)


This offer will last until 28th May 2023. Discount rate is the same as purchasing Fidelizer software again so new customer and returning customer will get the same price. You may order again anytime and receive partial-refund as discount later after this campaign is over.

I hope this will be good chance for you to consider applying Fidelizer Upgrade Program software. You can also click on “Fidelizer Upgrade Program” button and click “Order Fidelizer” button in Fidelizer free version software. 🙂

Added testimonial from Lansing S Huck

Here’s another feedback today. He shared his feedback after receiving Fidelizer Pro yesterday.

Thank you for the software. Streamed music from Amazon Unlimited now sounds very close in quality to my NAS source or vinyl. The noise that came through before has been reduced quite a bit. Fidelizer Pro is a great product!

I’m happy to hear that Fidelizer Pro can bring Amazon streaming sounding very close to NAS or vinyl in his system and happy listening. 🙂

Added testimonial from Jacek Grubski

Here’s a new feedback today. He shared his feedback after receiving Fidelizer Pro as below.

Hello Keetakawee,

Everything is working without a problem, thank you for a fantastic product 🙂

Best Regards
Jacek Grubski

I’m happy to hear Fidelizer Pro is working fantastically in his system and happy listening. 🙂

Added testimonial from Anonnymous, Finland

Here’s a new feedback today. He shared his feedback after setting up Fidelizer Pro as below.

It improved my Windows 11 PC significantly. It was already before better than MacBook Air which I also use sometimes. Now it exceeds it clearly in all terms of fidelity. It is now better than a few dedicated streamers that I have tested here. My system is quite high-end so you may hear the difference clearly. I use Qobuz and Qobuz Player as digital source.

I’m happy to hear that Fidelizer Pro can make his PC sounding better than a few dedicated streamers he have tested before and happy listening. 🙂