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Tag Archive for EtherStream

Added EtherStream2 feedback from Kjell Nedrebo


EtherStream2 - Network Switch


Here’s a new feedback today from a client who ordered EtherStream2 to upgrade from original EtherStream in Nimitra2 + Nikola2 system.

I’m very happy with EtherStream2 after several weeks of operation in my system. My experience is that changes from already excellent EtherStream is improved details, bass depth and definition, resulting in better balance and space for vocals and instruments and overall providing a more musical performance.

I’m happy to hear that EtherStream2 brought significant improvements over already excellent EtherStream in his system and happy listening. 🙂

Added EtherStream2 + Nikola2 feedback from Simon Bailey


EtherStream2 - Network Switch


Here’s a new feedback today from a client who ordered EtherStream before reporting updates with new EtherStream2 and Nikola2.

Hi Keetakawee,

Thank you for sending me the new EthernetStream2 and Nikola2..You have achieved something very special here! I use an Aurender W20 to serve all digital audio and it allows me to stream Tidal, Qobuz and Spotify. I always use data stored on the drives in the Aurender where I can, because no streaming service can match locally-served data (even using a Naim ND-555).

But more importantly, with your new products in the signal path, streamed audio is as close to locally-served audio as I’ve yet heard. The sound is more open, textures and soundstage are significantly improved – and if I wasn’t able to do a side-by-side comparison between streamed and locally served, I’d have said the streamed audio was as good as locally served.

This is a significant change, because streamed audio has previously sounded a lot less dynamic and involving. So Congratulations!

I’m delighted to have upgraded and am happy to know that I now have access to a significantly better and far more enjoyable audio source for streaming – and one I can happily live with whenever I don’t have the music stored locally.

Thank you! ?

I’m happy to hear that he can enjoy streaming in his highend system to the extent that he feel it could be as good as locally served. 🙂

Added Nimitra Classic + Nikola Classic + EtherStream feedback from Michael Neely


Nimitra Classic - computer audio server


Here’s another feedback today from a client who ordered the most valuable combo Nimitra + Nikola Classic combo with EtherStream.

I really like all the features of Nimitra. It is a perfect adaptation of a computer just for music and streaming. No other clutter. I am thinking I will explore Roon eventually since it is already supported.

Best regards

Although Fidelizer is known for developing very affordable highend products, they’re also designed to be very simple to use. I’m happy to hear this trio delivered clutter-free experience. 🙂

Added EtherStream feedback from G Crease


EtherStream - Main


Here’s another feedback today from a client who ordered EtherStream to use with EtherRegen. He connected EtherStream between modem and router before which isn’t optimal for pre-modulation improvements so I recommended to move EtherStream behind router.

Thanks so much, I tried chaining as you suggested and this brought about quite a surprising improvement for which I thank you. Vocals were more real background mere quiet so detail of ambient info was increased.

I’m happy to hear that EtherStream is working smoothly together with EtherRegen bringing the warmth that he enjoyed before back and happy listening. 🙂

Telephone number request for shipping Kenneth Davis’ order

I tried to reach out to Kenneth Davis for his telephone number to arrange shipment for a few times through his registered PayPal mail address. However, I haven’t received his response yet.

If you see this message, please contact so I can arrange your product shipment with your telephone number provided. Thank you.
