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Regarding Roon issues with some hardware devices including Nimitra in update 1.8 build 880

UPDATE: Roon 1.8 build 882 is released now and it’s working fine with Nimitra. Please contact me for updating Roon to latest version and happy listening.


Hi. Today Roon launched new update 1.8 build 880 and some Nimitra users has the following issues

  1. Database is corrupted (which it is not but build 880 can’t read database for some reason)
  2. There’s no audio device in Audio section at all

These issues are from changes in build 880 that doesn’t work properly with some hardware and it’s widespread issues through Windows/Mac/Linux platforms. You can check Roon Support section for more details about 1.8 build 880 update issues.

For current workaround I can rollback Roon core to version 1.8 build 831 which is stable with Nimitra. You can download Roon 1.8 build 831 from the following links below to control until they release an update that fixes these issues.


Roon 1.8 build 831: PC / Android / iOS (Not available outside App Store)


iOS devices can’t install older Roon version so only PC and Android can perform rollback for now. Please contact Fidelizer support for setting up Roon 1.8 build 831 rollback. You may consider using other apps like mConnect / Lumin / Kazoo to control Nimitra also.