Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Feedback from Fidelizer customers

Added testimonial from Hermann Schmidt

Here’s a new feedback today. He sent me his feedback on elaborated setup with interesting stuff and easy to follow as below.


I’ve done some tests yesterday and it took only a few minutes to realize that Fidelizer works great! I’m running JPlay&Streamer on a Zotac ZBox Intel i3 machine with W10. It feeds a Benchmark DAC2 via USB across an iFi USB Power device. Music files are on a NAS.

The improvements are everywhere. In a few words I would call it more crisp, clear, and transparent. All the attributes that audiophiles love 🙂 The amount of change is about the same as or even higher than one gets from changing speaker cables from dirt cheap to good ones.

And the upshot is that a fidelized W10 now sounds better than W2012 server. This makes my life easier.


I’m happy to hear to that Fidelizer bring sound quality improvements as much as serious speaker cables upgrade. 🙂

Added Nimitra+Nikola feedback from Mike Covher

Here’s another feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra+Nikola customer in USA. He shared his feedback after replacing his Nikola with upgraded version.

Powering Nimitra and the exaSound e38 DAC with the customized Nikola power supply indeed sounds GREAT!
I’m in complete agreement with Steve Plaskin’s assessment of the Nikola / exaSound DAC combination; it is transformative! Nikola transported the sound quality to another level and I’ll add that it is a quantum leap!
And now with my original Nikola powering the Western Digital HDD, my system is completely free of the contamination caused by switching power supplies.

Thank you for your awesome contribution to my enjoyment of music of all kinds.

All the best,
Mike Covher

I was so close to have Nimitra+Nikola review with exaSound e38 in Stereophile. It’d have been awesome. 🙂

Added testimonial from Earl Helm

Here’s a new feedback today. He sent me his feedback after receiving Fidelizer Pro license on Teamviewer.

Absolutely fantastic thank you

I’m glad to hear Fidelizer bringing fantastic sound quality improvements in his system. 🙂

Added testimonial from James Holland

Here’s another feedback today from Fidelizer Pro user. I received his feedback after delivering Fidelizer software.

Fidelizer has definitely made my system sound much more three-dimensional. I don’t know what it is but music played back through my DAC is much more palpable now.

I’m glad to hear Fidelizer improving sound quality in his system with more three-dimensional soundstage. 🙂

Added DX200 Fidelizer Ultimate Mod feedback from Aria Nugraha Isa

DX200 - Fidelizer Ultimate Mod


Here’s a new feedback today from iBasso DX200 customer in Indonesia. This is the first feedback from Fidelizer Ultimate Mod project.

Its gettin awesome as it burn in. I cant explain it technically, but this is the best dx200 mod ive heard. Because in indonesia there are few modder that can mod daps too.
Thanks to you!

I’m glad to hear DX200 Fidelizer Ultimate Mod is the best in Indonesia. It’s also the best in Thailand too. 🙂