Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Feedback from Fidelizer customers

Added Nimitra+Nikola feedback from Daniel Gale

Here’s another feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra+Nikola customer in USA. He also purchased my custom USB and power cables too.

Spent last night immersing myself in Roon. Sounds wonderful and is so intuitive to use. Thank you so much for your incredible service. Amazing how you can service customers half-way around the world instantaneously. I am very impressed with your product and service.

I’m happy to provide prompt services for Nimitra computer audio server around the world for best experience. 🙂

Added testimonial from Vitaly Kanischev

Here’s a new feedback today. This time it’s from Fidelizer Pro customer in Russia.

Hello! Please accept my gratitude and delight! Your product is great! I again listen to my collection of audio recordings and it is a delight! I wish You great success and new developments ! Vitaly Kanischev.

I’m glad to hear that Fidelizer can help him in enjoying his music collection better. Happy listening. 🙂

Added DX200 Fidelizer Ultimate Mod feedback from koluludome

DX200 - Fidelizer Ultimate Mod


Here’s another feedback today from iBasso DX200 customer in Thailand. He shared his public feedback in forums and also share me his private feedback to some people as below.

I modified both device and Amp module (which has soft mute circuit bypassed for better sound than not to)

I can say that this one can go up all the way in the same level as SP1000cu/ss only that the house sound is not the same character.

SP1000 both version sound more edgy and meatier than my mod DX200 which makes vocal sound more like a real person in some recording but it make some song sound weird and SP1000 both version is better in layering in depth axis but not much better. Other than that, DX200 with Fidelizer Ultimate Mod is equal to both SP1000 and beat them in some category.

Modded DX200 has wider soundstage, more reference sound and also more musical than before modding. You’ll feel how the recordings were recorded for real! Something that was hidden when I use original DX200 was showed in great layering even the sound character will not render the sound layering more obvious like SP1000 do but you will be surprised by how it can be improved. Whispering sound in background of recording becoming more obvious to recognize without volume up. The echo of the vocal and instrument is more real.

I intended to do only Amp1 modification but when I hear DX200 with Fidelizer ultimate mod, I changed my mind. After I heard what the one that he by-passed the soft mute circuit, it sounded even better that I sent back my unit to do it too.

If you are good to go and have some effort to wait for it, I suggest you to send your unit for ultimate modification. But you can try only Amp module modification first to make sure that his stuff is real deal.

If you need a suggestion, try his paid firmware modification first. It’s cheaper way to hear the difference and you can always get the update when newer version fw is out.

For more information and the price, contact him directly. Hope this helps. 🙂

I’m also working on new optimizations in Fidelizer ROMs based on feedback from DX200 Ultimate Mod users too. 🙂

Added testimonial from Mike Gadoury

Here’s a new feedback today. I received his feedback after delivering Fidelizer Pro license.

Awesome awesome awesome!!! No more annoying drop outs during playback. You just saved me from having to spend a ton of $$$ on a dedicated server. Thanks!

Glad to hear Fidelizer can fix drop outs without going for dedicated server. Fidelizer also have Nimitra server too.

Added X5iii Advanced ROM feedback from PSICore

Here’s another feedback today from Fiio X5iii customer. He sent me his feedback in Head-Fi while back and I only noticed his feedback recently.

Hi mate

Rocking on with your latest rom, which also saved me from selling the Fiio 😉


I’m happy to hear that my Fiio X5iii ROM can make people happy enough to change their decision from selling. 🙂