Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Feedback from Fidelizer customers

Added testimonial from Geoff

Here’s a new feedback today. He sent his feedback for Nimitra server and Nikola linear power supply before and here’s his follow up for Fidelizer Pro on Control PC.


I use Fidelizer 7.9 with Purist/Streamer setting on my JPLAY Control PC and Norton Internet Security turned off. This gives a very natural analog sound. I have an Uptone ISO REGEN with battery power on my DAC USB input which improves the sound even further.


If you use Nimitra with another computer as transport, using Fidelizer will provide more natural analog sound for you. 🙂

Added Nimitra feedback from Seth Shapiro

Here’s another consecutive feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra customer in United States. He upgraded from his laptop with Fidelizer Pro to Nimitra server recently.

The Nimitra sounds incredible, even on my humble setup. I know it’s a cliche, but I’m hearing things I never heard before. Instrument separation is orders of magnitude better than with my laptop. Vocals that were muddy are now crystal clear. Listening is soooo engaging. I can’t wait for Asset to finish to I can listen to more goodies.

Very nicely done, and highly recommended.

Glad to hear Nimitra server sounds crystal clear with so engaging performance from laptop with Fidelizer Pro. 🙂

Added Nimitra+Nikola feedback from Geoff

Here’s a new feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra+Nikola customer in United Kingdom. He shared his impressions with his Linn Sondek turntable.


I have been using my Nimitra server and Nikola PSU for about a week now. Initial impression is that I do not appear to be missing anything with the sound.

The sound is similar to that which I get with my Linn Sondek turntable with good musicality and timing.

Out of interest, I run Fidelizer 7.9 software on my JPLAY Control PC which definitely improves clarity of playback in my system.

I listened to digital playback via my Nimitra server for about six hours last Saturday and no listener fatigue.

So this is the first time that I have actually enjoyed listening to CD and Hi-Res file playback with my system!

I would like to stay in touch with you for any future product or software developments you may have.


I’m glad to hear Nimitra+Nikola can deliver similar performance to Linn Sondek turntable without fatigue. 🙂

Added testimonial from JPS

Here’s another feedback today. He tested Fidelizer in his office first before buying Pro version for his main system.

Hi Keetakawee,

Fidelizer Pro works great for me. In the first place, I do not want to fiddle with computer settings and this product is easy to use. Tested it in my office (free version) and in my main system and the improvement in SQ was obvious in both. I even tested it with a coworker, (who is not an “audiophile”) and he was able to spot the difference in no time. Not easy to explain, but for him (and for me) music sounded less “confused” and better defined. I heard improved separation between instruments, a blacker background, and deeper bass rendition.

Kind regards,

It’s good to hear back from customer who also tested Fidelizer with non-audiophile from time to time. 🙂

Added testimonial from NWCgrad

Here’s a new feedback today. This time I found his feedback in Computer Audiophile’s community.

Listened to the Pro version of the software over the weekend. For right around $350 my DIY music player sounds unbelievably good. Thanks for the software that provides the finishing touch.

I’m happy to know Fidelizer can help DIY server sounding unbelievably good. Happy listening. 🙂