Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Feedback from Fidelizer customers

Added testimonial from Francesco Vecchio

Here’s another feedback today. This time it’s from Fidelizer Plus customer upgrading to Pro version

Thank you so much! All right. It’s beautiful. The difference with the Plus version is very large. Good job. I’m really very very happy!

Francesco Vecchio

P.S. : I will recommend Fidelizer to all my friends.

If you’re using Fidelizer Plus and want to improve sound quality with $30 bucks, Fidelizer Pro won’t disappoint you. 🙂

Added testimonial from Dean Mullin



Here’s a new feedback today. This time Fidelizer Pro is installed on TheMemoryPlayer server which is an ultra highend server.

Thank you – I did a bit of listening last night and again this morning. It sounds tremendous.  – almost unbelievable difference when I was using the Purist/Audio Player settings.

Many thanks for your time in your responses – I do appreciate it very much

Best Regards
Dean Mullin

I’m happy to hear that Fidelizer can further improve sound quality with ultra highend server. Happy listening. 🙂

Added Nimitra feedback from Djie

Here’s another feedback today. I sent a replacement unit to test with his DAC and found out USB module was having issues so he upgraded USB module on his DAC and sent me this feedback.

Hi Keetakawee,

It’s about a week ago that I have the Bifrost dac back and I can tell you that the Nimitra is playing fine with the upgraded dac.
I can play music from the hdd storage and from JPLAYERstreamer. The only weakest feature is the Linn Kazoo app, but I can live with it. The most important is I can enyoy playing my music collection now with Nimitra.
Many thanks for supporting me all the time, I appreciate this very much.
Some day I will contact you again and say ‘hello’ to you or maybe I will have some questions for you.
From my place I wish you good luck on your way to make significant improvements for audiolovers.


I’m happy to be able to help audiolovers enjoying music easier and better. Feel free to drop by and say hi from time to time. 🙂

Added testimonial from Brian Attenborough

Here’s a new feedback today. It’s one of feedback from Fidelizer 7 that I missed before so I hope it’ll still be valid after Fidelizer 8 comes out.

Hello lucifiar:

You”ll have to excuse me I know your real name starts with a K, but I don’t know how to spell it. Having said that This new 7.10 fidelizer program is fantastic best so far My system justs sings. Can it get any better? Could enlighten me a bit on these other software programs are they like fidelzer or a completely different animal. Keep up the excellent work.


Can it get any better? Yes, upgrade to Fidelizer 8 today to get better sound quality. 🙂

Added Nimitra feedback from David Levinson


Fidelizer's Next Year Server - 1

Here’s another feedback today. It’s from a special custom Nimitra server with power supply built-in I posted before for next year’s product.

We LOVE the custom Fidelizer Nimitra. We run Roon to HQ Player on the MacBook Pro, then ethernet to Nimitra HQ Player NAA. We upsample PCM to 88khz, unless it is higher res, and upsample all DSD to DSD 128. With the PS Audio DirecStream DAC 24-88 khz sounds better than 24-176 or 24-192. We gave up on the Playback Designs Merlot, the PS Audio sounds more like real music, more full bodied and less clinical, but with all the details.

The Denafrips Terminator DAC will accept DSD 512 so things may change tomorrow!

All the best,
David Levinson

We also built other custom version of Nimitra and Nikola products too. Too many good designs to pick for next product. 🙂