Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Feedback from Fidelizer customers

Added testimonial from Suruj

Here’s a new feedback today. It seems Fidelizer 8 impressed him enough to consider Nimitra (and NimitraS now by the time I posted this) for future upgrades.


Fidelizer 8 is working without any problems and the sound is impressive. I have read the reviews on Nimitra and will contact you later in the year about purchasing a unit.


Now that NimitraS with firmware 3.0 update is now out, I hope this will a good opportunity for him to consider upgrading. 🙂

Added testimonial from Jos Van Osta

Here’s another feedback today. I received his feedback during new year event and was so busy with delivering Fidelizer 8 updates so I only found his feedback recently.

It all works fine now. Thanks for your support. The sound is amazing. Now I stiil have to figure out what settings are best for te combination “Fidelizer purist/Jplay extreme hybrid”

Thanks, best regards an a happy New year

This is Fidelizer 8.0 feedback and 8.1 and upcoming 8.2 will sound even more amazing. 🙂

Added testimonial from David Dzurak

Here’s a new feedback today. It’s quite feedback I have in store since Fidelizer 8.0 release with AlbumPlayer app.


Fidelizer 8.0 is wonderful! The new interface is brilliant and the configuration is very simple. Further, as a passionate JPLAY user the Processor priority setting for JPLAY is greatly appreciated. Though each of these settings has a very obvious impact on audio quality!

I’m using the wonderful sounding Album Player Mini with full file buffering enabled, 0.5 sec period timer, ASIO output, to JPLAY (KS output, ULTRAStream, Throttling: OFF, Hibernate: OFF) and Fidelizer 8.0 has proved more stable with this audio player on a Win10 system.

Please try the audio player as it’s free to use and provides superior sound to Hysolid, JRiver, Foobar2k and numerous others that I have tried. Albums are selected from within the program by right clicking on the drop down bar to set a target folder. It helps if all the files within the folder are of the same sampling rate and bit depth.

Thanks for all your great work with Fidelizer. The sound quality is second to none!

David Dzurak

AlbumPlayer is a good app with low-level hardware buffer controller on ASIO output. Highly recommended for serious audiophiles with Fidelizer Pro. 🙂

Added DX200 Fidelizer Ultimate Mod feedback from Cedric Weber

DX200 - Fidelizer Ultimate Mod


Here’s a new feedback today from iBasso DX200 customer in London. It appeared Fidelizer Ultimate Mod turned iBasso DX200 into a completely new beast.

My DX200 never sounded so good! Not a small improvement, the DX200 with ultimate upgrade is a completely new beast. I used to output my DX200 to my chord hugo 2, and now I am reconsidering using the h2 at all (besides for driving utopia headphones, which the dx200 struggle with).

All in all, a step forward for an already great product, and thanks to Keetakawee for being so responsive and helpful along all the steps! Cedric (London)

I’m happy to hear Fidelizer Ultimate Mod can make iBasso DX200 sounding much closer to Chord Hugo 2. It’s the most intensive modification I’ve done on portable devices and also my current masterpiece. 🙂

Added testimonial from Matt Blankenship

Here’s a new feedback today. This is feedback from time I started launching Fidelizer 8 and more will be rolled out soon.

Thanks for all your hard work. So far all is working and sounding great, using the minimal setting.

Minimalist is new user level in Fidelizer 8 that will reduce non-audio services without affecting system performance at all. 🙂