Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Feedback from Fidelizer customers

Added Nimitra feedback from Ben-M

Here’s a new feedback today from a Nimitra customer who shared his feedback in Fidelizer Support thread recently.

Just as an update, Keetakawee scheduled and updated my Nimitra to the most recent version in only several minutes, then came back again to fix a start-up issue I caused by not mentioning my desired configuration to him earlier.

It’s the best, most pleasant, and thorough service I’ve ever had in audio. I’m a big fan of his company’s and highly recommend his hardware products as well.

I designed Nimitra to deliver real sound performance at affordable price with thorough services that audiophiles can enjoy the music without having to learn about computer audio setup. 🙂

Added X5iii Fidelizer Ultimate Mod feedback from William Sieow

Fidelizer Mod


Here’s another feedback today from Fiio X5iii customer who compared Fidelizer Ultimate Mod against Fiio’s newer devices recently.

I just tried my Fidelizer-powered X5iii against Fiio’s latest M9 DAP. The M9 is a huge improvement over the stock X5iii but no match against your powerful mod. 🙂

Comparing X5iii + fidelizer against X7ii however, it’s very close. The former a touch warmer. I can’t imagine if the X7ii being modded as well. Have not tried it against a SE100 yet. ^^

Good quality parts tuned for real sound performance can be a masterpiece that won’t lose against time. I’m glad he like Fidelizer Mod, tuned from decade’s worth of ultra highend audio. 🙂

Added NimitraS+NikolaS feedback from Christoff Basson

Here’s a new feedback today from recent customer who’s using NimitraS+NikolaS with DragonFly Red while waiting for his Kii Three to arrive.

Hi. I have been playing around with the NimitraS so far when I got time. It sounds really great! I am currently just using it with the dragonfly red and HD600 headphones until I get the kii three setup.

With good transport, even Dragonfly can make big difference. I’m sure Kii Three will impress him even more as it did before with other clients. 🙂

Added testimonial from Thomas Haupt

Here’s another feedback today. This time it’s quite elaborated since he upgraded from older Fidelizer 7 version.

Dear Keetakawee,

The result of the Upgrade from Fidelizer 7.7 to 8.0 is a much better sound in my system. The separation of the instruments is better, the voices are clearer and the bass is stronger. There is no more harshness in the high tones. The music is more live than before. Great work

Thank you so much,
Thomas Haupt

Upgrading to Fidelizer 8 will bring better separation of instruments, clearer voices, stronger bass and no more harshness in the high tones making music more  live than before. 🙂

Added testimonial from Jurijus Klebanovas

Here’s a new feedback today. He sent me his Fidelizer Pro feedback through Facebook inbox today with good results.

Thank you. I think the sounding became better: more detalized and more clear. Thank you.

Fidelizer will bring computer audio closer to real music with more details and more clear for better sound quality. 🙂