Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Feedback from Fidelizer customers

Added testimonial from Jim Conn

Here’s a new feedback today. I received his feedback after delivering his second license of Fidelizer Pro.

Dear Keetakawee,

Thank you so much for refunding that money to me but you didn’t need to do that as I do love your software and think it is very good value for money. It is nice to still be able to purchase things without getting ripped off and I do thank you for that. I have installed your software and have been having an extended listen to it in fact the the first thing I started was a harpsicord recording of Purcell harpsicord suites and what a delight it was with your new software in place. Hapsicords ha a lot of treble energy which can be very tiresome with extended listening but I have to say that it was really well behaved and I listened to the whole file with no fatigue so it will be very welcome to me . I hope to get a more balanced listening test soon and I shall tell you how I am getting on. Once again thanks again and I’ll be in touch again soon.

Kind regards,
Jim Conn.

I’m happy to hear that he find Fidelizer being very good value upgrade and helped his music enjoyment to that extent. 🙂

Added Fiio X7ii Advanced ROM feedback from Jim Rollins


Fidelizer - PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations 2.0


Here’s a new feedback today. He purchased Fiio X7ii Advanced ROM on another day shared his impressions as below.

Just picture an East Tennessee Appalachian American with the biggest smile on his face he’s ever had! ? WOW! My X7II has come alive! Best Money I ever spent for my music…..Thank YOU! JOB WELL DONE!

It’s been a while since last testimonial I published. So busy with many projects going on lately. I hope Fidelizer will help you in appreciating music better and happy listening. 🙂

Added NimitraS+Nikola feedback from nay9275

Here’s a new feedback today from NimitraS server with Nikola linear power supply customer. He shared his feedback with me after setting up NimitraS with his Chord Dave.


That is a great job just what I was asking for top support. Oh and by the way this streamer puts my Auralic Aries streamer to shame great sound.

This is also the first server that I setup with USB storage using Linux partition. I’m glad to find out it can fine with Nimitra platform. 🙂

Fiio X7ii Purist ROM version 1.0.7/1.0.8 JP released with Fiio Music updated


Fidelizer - PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations 2.0


Hi everyone. It’s been a about a week after Fiio releasing major ROM update on X5iii/X7/X7ii devices. I spent last few days finalizing and optimizing X7ii ROM first because it has separated Japan release and there’s issues with Fiio Music app having new update pushed thereafter too.

Now the work is done. I also included new Fiio Music app update with optimizations I usually apply on Advanced ROM. it wouldn’t hurt to include optimized music app for Purist ROM users. New UI looks really good and smoother with optimizations applied.

This time I’m releasing both global ROM (1.0.7) and Japan ROM (1.0.8 JP) together. I recommend to flash official ROM first before flashing Purist ROM version to get the same partition alignment. Cross flashing will make device unbootable and may corrupt its data.


-Based on firmware version 1.0.7 / 1.0.8 JP
-Fiio Music app version updated with Fidelizer optimizations
-Apollo – Fidelity Edition from included
-build.prop tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (Poweramp works now)

Download: Fiio X7ii Purist ROM | Fiio X7ii Purist ROM (JP version)


Installation Guide

1. Download X7ii Firmware Upgrade Tool
2. Turn off Fiio X7ii
3. Connect X7ii with USB connection to computer while holding previous track button
4. Install RK USB driver included in Firmware Upgrade Tool and replace update.img image with Fidelizer Purist ROM version
5. Open X7II(Chinese text).exe and press the green button in middle right flash the ROM

For Mac / Linux users, please check this guide for flashing Fidelizer Purist ROM on Mac / Linux instructions.


There’s a lot of improvements for Advanced ROM and I also added Enhanced ROM into collection too. Please read Portable Products for more details including Fidelizer Mod project with 3 modification levels. Happy listening. 🙂

Added Fiio X5iii Enhanced ROM feedback from Jc Raymundo

Here’s a new feedback today. He was about to sell his Fiio X5iii and decided to try Enhanced ROM for one last attempt.

I almost sold my x5iii and bought an amp/dac but not anymore hehehe thanks!!! its sounds open, way better separation, dynamics and a speed demon now. its absolutely responsive and my 3rd party apps work way better than before.

I’m happy to hear my Purist ROM can help saving a lot of Fiio and iBasso DAPs from being sold and looking forward to provide more Purist ROM services in 2019 too. 🙂