Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Feedback from Fidelizer customers

Added testimonial from Ken (AudiophileOptimizer)

Here’s another feedback today. I received his feedback after assisting him in Fidelizer Pro setup with AudiophileOptimizer 3.00.

I’ve been using Fidelizer for years on Windows 10, but the combo of 8.4 + AO3 Ultimate in shell mode is easily the best I’ve ever heard. Thank you many times!

I’m glad to hear Fidelizer 8.4 update makes significant sound quality improvements with AudiophileOptimizer 3.00 and happy listening. 🙂

Added testimonial from Nivaldo (JPLAY/AudiophileOptimizer)

Here’s a new feedback today. I received his feedback after delivering his Fidelizer Pro license on another day.

Hi, Keetakawee.

Your fantastic product is installed and I’m very happy with the result. Really impressive and very solid improvements in my SQ. Thanks a lot!

Best Regards,

I’m happy to hear Fidelizer Pro works great with JPLAY Femto and AudiophileOptimizer 3.00. I’ll test this combo in developing server soon too. 🙂

Added iBasso DX120 Advanced ROM feedback from Joenelle Audrie Caniza

Fidelizer - PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations 2.0


Here’s another feedback today from customer who purchased Advanced ROM for iBasso DX120, very good neutral sound tuned without correction required.

Hello Keetakawee,

I don’t know what kind of magic you did to cook this ROM but I am now a believer. I got home an hour ago and I immediately flashed my rom to the Advanced – Purist ROM I bought for my DX120. I was blown away at how the sound has improved. I’ve been using an Ibasso IT01s with a 2.5mm balanced pure silver cable with my DX120. I thought the sound couldn’t get any better than that but it did, I am now a believer with the work you do. Keep it up! Hopefully more people will try your product. It’s definitely a purchase I am happy with. I can confidently say that me and my DX120 will spend a lot of years together. 🙂

I’m sure Advanced ROM be a great upgrade but still surprised every time I see people taking software upgrade at one third of hardware product. 🙂

Added NimitraS+NikolaS feedback from J.B.


Fidelizer's Next Year Server - 1


Here’s a new feedback today from a customer who ordered custom highend version of NimitraS server with NikolaS linear power supply in a single box design.

I take this opportunity to congratulate you, after several months of listening pleasure, for the very high sonic quality I achieve with my server. This is really excellent, on par with, or even better than servers on the market regarded as the best ones (Aurender, Melco etc.)

Kind regards

I’m happy to hear that custom version of Nimitra server is considered on par or even better than some best servers in market. This keeps me working hard to bring better standards to computer audio. 🙂

Added iBasso DX220/AMP1mk2 Fidelizer Signature Mod feedback from Lavitiana Tsimiala


Here’s a new feedback today from customer who purchased Advanced ROM for iBasso DX200 before and decided to try iBasso DX220 with Advanced ROM and Fidelizer Signature Mod. 🙂

Hello, since I wrote you my message this morning, I can say that my headphones do not leave my ears, the sound is really sublime, you did a lot of work, the detail in the instruments is amazing. I feel like I have another dap. And I rediscover my favorite albums with great pleasure. Bravo for your work.

I’m happy to hear that Fidelizer Signature Mod can improve to the point of getting another DAP to rediscover music again. 🙂