Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Feedback from Fidelizer customers

Added Fiio M11 with Fidelizer Masterpiece Mod feedback from Han Chun Siew



Here’s a new feedback today from a customer who found M11 sounding too clinical. He shared his feedback with Fidelizer Masterpiece Mod as below.

Hi, I listened to it and it was fantastic. It is now much more musical and I can’t stop listening to it. Thanks a lot 🙂


I’m happy to hear he finds M11 sounding much more musical. It seems I haven’t added Fiio M11 into the list yet so I’ll find time to update lineup soon. 🙂

Added testimonial from Sergio Simonetti

Here’s another feedback today. He’s been using Fidelizer Plus first and upgraded to Pro version later.

I have been testing Fidelizer for months and I can assure you that the PC with Fidelizer plays music like a very expensive CD player even with non-audiophile files like Spotify’s, therefore, you could offer Spotify to pair it with Fidelizer. If it’s done and it’s okay, please don’t forget me.

I’m happy to hear that Fidelizer can play Spotify music like a very expensive CD player. I’d be delighted to offer my help with companies supporting audio improvements too. 🙂

Added testimonial from Oleksander

Here’s a new feedback today. He shared his feedback after delivering his Fidelizer Pro license yesterday.

Dear Keetakawee,

Thank you for a quick delivery. Fidelizer is working great, as I knew it would 🙂 Subjectively, even better on my new fanless laptop than on a desktop. Thanks again.

Best regards,

Glad to see client comparing both desktop and laptop device with Fidelizer. I also find my AMD laptop sounding better than noisy desktop AMD PC too. 🙂

Added EtherStream feedback from Bill Gaw


EtherStream - Main


Here’s another feedback today from a client who ordered Fidelizer Pro and EtherStream. He received unit recently and shared his impressions.

Unit received. Thank you for the rush. MaRKED IMPROVEMENT IN sound. Have lost a funny digital grunge and increased information throughput. Amazon Prime HD audio and Berlin Philharmonic channel now sound great. Thank you again. Will spread the word.

Bill Gaw

I’m happy to hear EtherStream helps him enjoying music with streaming services. EtherStream can help a lot in appreciating classical performance from streaming services. 🙂

Added iBasso DX220 with Fidelizer Masterpiece Mod feedback from dhc0329



Here’s a new feedback today from a customer who purchased iBasso AMP8/AMP9 with Fidelizer Signature Mod before went later completed Masterpiece Mod with DX220 main body modification.

I don’t know about the advanced rom but fidelizer did a remarkable job modding the amp9. The level of depth
I get is beyond what I have ever experienced going even deeper than n8. This is organic to dripping max,
not to mention sounding so vivid and realistic. Feel like I finally got the sound I deserve! The fidelizer
guy must have been smoking something real potent while he was cooking my amp9 tube circuit.
Hope this wasn’t coincidental. 🙂

He also purchased a new iBasso DX220 DAP with main body mod instead instead of sending back unit to apply modification so he could compare stock and modified unit side by side. 🙂