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Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.


Developer’s self-interest scribbles

What’s inside the Network Player?

Interior of Teac NT503

Since yesterday’s question in Facebook about USB and Ethernet audio, I found some people are interested in learning about how Network Player works inside. I’m going to use most recent yet affordable product Teac NT503 as a model to explain. Top left is Ethernet board and top middle is USB board.

As you can see, this network board is very big, much bigger than USB board. It has a lot of chips like CPU and controllers inside.  Yes, the network board is actually a mini PC board that receives data from network and sends from built-in audio interface to digital receiver board.

If you connect DLNA Renderer PC to USB DAC and stream music from your phone, it will work exactly like that network board but use large board USB audio interface instead of tiny chip in network board. So building a dedicated computer transport outside should have more room for improvements.

Windows 10 v1511 (Threshold 2) Update Report

I noticed this update from my recently bought Lenovo tablet just before going to a trip with my dad. Now I’m back and it’s about time to test this major update for Windows 10. I noticed some new icons and over all it’s more stable than before.

As for sound quality, I notice the improvements significantly. It has better dynamics and more fluid than before. Windows 10 sounds clearly better than Windows 8.1 and this update takes a few steps higher than before, especially with Fidelizer Pro.

If you’re running Windows 10 right now, I suggest you to update to v1511 immediately. And happy listening. 🙂

UPDATE: On downside note, audio latency is increased. I used to get stable playback at 3ms with Hiface Two but now it’s creased to 4ms. Older Windows 10 gives more solid sound thanks to lower latency performance. However, it still gives better transparency and separation.