Download Fidelizer Explore Nimitra
Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.

Added iBasso DX220 Advanced ROM feedback from Young

Fidelizer - PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations 3.0
Here’s a new feedback today. He sent me his feedback after updating his iBasso DX220 with latest version with Advanced ROM as below.

Last night, I finally upgraded Dx220 to Fidelizer advanced ROM. I am using Amp8Ex. Sound is amazing! I was surprised that Apple music works flawlessly. Also, included Apollo sounds so good. I may not need to use Mango player ever again. Prior to upgrade, android SQ was noisy and bad. Thanks so much!!

I used My Fidelizer DX220 with Vision ears VE7(with Cardas clear light iem cable). Though VE7 is very sensitive, did not notice much white noise. Another favorite among my set ups!

I’m happy to hear that Apple Music works flawlessly and resolve noisy sound quality issues with iBasso DX220 using Fidelizer Advanced ROM and happy listening. 🙂

Nimitra2 Computer Audio Server review on Positive Feedback by Marshall Nack




Finally, the first Nimitra2 Computer Audio Server review is published. It was reviewed together with Nikola2 Linear Power Supply and EtherStream Network Switch after reviewing previous products. This review feels like the main dish has finally arrived after serving appetizers.

I was pleased to hear that Mr. Marshall Nack decided to review Nimitra2 server after reviewing EtherStream. It’s an honor for Nimitra2 to be the first streamer being reviewed by seasoned audio reviewer in highend audio system.

Positive Feedback

Believe me, I didn’t hear anything like this when the Mac was in-stream. I was always aware of deficits in tone, timbre, texture, and dynamics. To put things in perspective, if we were to use my much more expensive CH Precision transport as the reference, I’d say the Mac with Fidelizer ancillaries reproduced about 60% of what’s to be had, forcing me to assign it to the low-end class of gear. The Fidelizer Optimized Solution with Nimitra2 server filled out the big picture to raise the percentage to around 85%, and streaming vaulted into issue-free mid-fi. Now I could sit back and be comfortably entertained as Cyrus Chestnut tinkled the ivories.

It’s very hard to pick excerpt from this review when there’re so many good good aspects about Nimitra2 product. Please read his full review and see how he feels about Nimitra2 as a genuine highend audiophile and happy listening. 🙂

Fidelizer Upgrade Program – 5,200th purchase offer


Fidelizer Pro


Today we’ve reached 5,200th milestone now in this month. As a reminder to inform customers that they receive refund for returning customer purchase, I’m running purchase offer again in this week. I also sent partial refund back for customer who placed an order on 12th September 2022.


Fidelizer Plus: US $39.95 —> $34.95 (Expired)
Fidelizer Pro: US $69.95 —> $59.95 (Expired)


This offer will last until 18th September 2022. Discount rate is the same as purchasing Fidelizer software again so new customer and returning customer will get the same price. You may order again anytime and receive partial-refund as discount later after this campaign is over.

I hope this will be good chance for you to consider applying Fidelizer Upgrade Program software. You can also click on “Fidelizer Upgrade Program” button and click “Order Fidelizer” button in Fidelizer free version software. 🙂

Added testimonial from ae

Here’s another feedback today. He shared his feedback after receiving Fidelizer Pro license as below.

Thank you so much, your Fiderlizer is amazing and works great
Best wishes

I’m glad to he finds Fidelizer Pro working amazingly in his system and happy listening. 🙂

Added EtherStream2 + Nikola2 feedback from Simon Bailey


EtherStream2 - Network Switch


Here’s a new feedback today from a client who ordered EtherStream before reporting updates with new EtherStream2 and Nikola2.

Hi Keetakawee,

Thank you for sending me the new EthernetStream2 and Nikola2..You have achieved something very special here! I use an Aurender W20 to serve all digital audio and it allows me to stream Tidal, Qobuz and Spotify. I always use data stored on the drives in the Aurender where I can, because no streaming service can match locally-served data (even using a Naim ND-555).

But more importantly, with your new products in the signal path, streamed audio is as close to locally-served audio as I’ve yet heard. The sound is more open, textures and soundstage are significantly improved – and if I wasn’t able to do a side-by-side comparison between streamed and locally served, I’d have said the streamed audio was as good as locally served.

This is a significant change, because streamed audio has previously sounded a lot less dynamic and involving. So Congratulations!

I’m delighted to have upgraded and am happy to know that I now have access to a significantly better and far more enjoyable audio source for streaming – and one I can happily live with whenever I don’t have the music stored locally.

Thank you! ?

I’m happy to hear that he can enjoy streaming in his highend system to the extent that he feel it could be as good as locally served. 🙂